Smart devices have fully integrated themselves into the lives of most working professionals. Phones, televisions, home security systems, tablets, and even travel mugs are evolving every minute, providing services that some aren’t even sure they need – but won’t – because of the convenience.
That convenience can come in handy during the hustle and bustle of the day until a cyber-attack hacks passwords and personal information. Since most smart devices are compatible with one another, one stolen password can lead to an entire lifestyle disaster.
Digital technology and email security expert Thierry LeVasseur is a 25-year veteran of the cybersecurity industry. He explains why these security measures for smart devices are now more important than ever before.
Use Multifactor Authentication to Confirm Identity:
New authentication tools such as facial recognition and smartphone proximity that are gaining popularity, Thierry LeVasseur said, in addition to the two-factor authentication security keys. It pairs a password with a physical security key; that way if a hacker or to gain access to your password, they still will not be able to steal information unless they also have the physical key.
Install and Update Malware Protection:
According to a recent study, hackers rely on one of the oldest ways to attack a remote connection and break into smart devices – cracking the Telnet password. Experts say there were more than 12 million cyber attacks from over 86,000 IP addresses. Thierry LeVasseur recommends first scanning for malware protection on devices and keeping the malware updated. Malware programs can detect keystrokes, which makes it easy for hackers to gather personal information.
Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi:
Turning off the “automatically connect” feature on smart devices can help protect against a cyber-attack. A wireless hotspot and/or a heavily vetted learn more about VPN – a digital network within another computer network.
Don’t Use Unknown Devices:
As shocking as it sounds, many hackers bank on human curiosity, and leaving items such as a USB drive infected with malicious software is one method of cyber-attack. A recent study showed that over 50% of people who found such items plugged them into their device. A stray USB drive and social engineering was how the FBI was reportedly hacked in 2008, and LeVasseur recommends only using known devices to keep your equipment and information protected.
Change Passwords and Perform Security Updates:
New devices often come with a general username and password that hackers can easily steal, and changing the password is essential in keeping information protected. The method by which hackers use to varies, but all can be associated with strong password security.