Home technology 3 Easiest Ways to Improve Video Quality in an Editor

3 Easiest Ways to Improve Video Quality in an Editor

Improve Video Quality

How often have you recorded a video but found that its improved video quality is somewhat wanting? If so – have you ever tried to improve it in a video editor?

Although video editors make it possible to improve the quality of videos by leaps and bounds – it isn’t as easy as it appears, especially when you first start out. In fact, odds are your first experience will involve staring at the screen and wondering which tool you should be using.

How to Improve Video Quality

The good news is that there are several easy ways that you can start improving the quality of your videos in an editor:

1. Automated Stabilization

In most editors nowadays there is an automated stabilization tool that essentially helps to stabilize shaky video footage so that it doesn’t look as awful. Although mostly automated, some may have a slider that you can set based on how shaky your video actually is.

Keep in mind that the stabilization tool may be good, but it can only do so much. It will help with small shakes and slight movements of the camera – but it can’t be expected to fully correct the video if the camera is being wildly shaken around. That is why it is best to stabilize your shots when recording them.

2. Automated White Balance

Another neat automated tool in most editors is the automated white balance. It too is fairly self-explanatory and will calculate the optimal levels for the color temperature so that it is more balanced and the video looks closer like it did in real life.

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Typically videos that aren’t white-balanced have a blue or orange tint and will look slightly unnatural. Fixing it will make a world of difference to the video quality, and if you want to take it a step further you can look into adjusting the color parameters manually to make the video look more vivid.

3. Sharpening Tools

In theory, applying a sharpening tool to your video is an easy way to improve its quality. The sharpening tool will basically ‘find’ the edges in your photo and make them more pronounced, allowing its definition to look better.

Unfortunately, in practice it can be a bit more involved than that and sharpening a video is a bit of an art that will require trial and error. Some editors may have several sharpening tools that each help to improve the video and fix blurry parts in particular ways.

Needless to say, each of the methods listed above may differ depending on the video editing software that you’re using – which is why you should start with one that is user-friendly. For example, you could try online video editor if you’re looking for an option to use.

Overall the three ways listed above are the easiest to improve the quality of your video when you edit it. By starting with them you should be able to fix and enhance your video, and can then look into other ways to fine-tune the improvements that need to be made.